Saturday, March 21, 2009

The rumors are true!

Yes, the rumors are true! It looks like we won't have to say farewell to 18 White Parkway just yet. This process has sparked great interest in the wonders of 18 White Parkway all around the neighborhood as far away as Summit Ave. Here is some suggestions from Pat Farrell:

To Bobby and gang....I would love to take part in your celebration!! As for many of us in the 'hood' was our second home!

my top favs mentioned-
jumpming from the top rail to the stairs
walk in the woods to the powerlines
climbing the tree

ding dong ditch
climbing out on the roof and writing stuff with shaving cream

good thing the only video game out at the time was pong or we wouldn't have had so much fun!!

my fav recipe not mentioned.....raw cookie dough!

do you think we could get hold of a station wagon so your dad could throw 12 of us in the back not wearing seatbelts and drive to BOSTON to visit the children's museum?? AAAHHH the good ol' days :)

so keep me posted as I want in on the celebration!!



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